Been putting a lot of thought and effort into making things. Just on a vector mission. I have been taking my Field Notes and turning my sketches to vectors. It has been a lot of fun. Plus it is good to get some of these ideas out there, because if i don't do anything with them, then that is all they are is just ideas. I like how this one turned out. This is just another look at cotton. Might not go anywhere, but hey, its fun to create. Stay making and doing! Cheers.
Node Surf
Making more progress on the Node Surf line. Having some help on this one. So we will see how this all comes together. Switching gears from snow to surf, it takes me a while, but I like how this brand is coming along. Just have to start working on a plan to put this one out to the community. Here is the landing page > < More to come. --For Lena
Here is a little mark I put together. It is a dogfish. Love doing these marks. Plus it makes me get some sketches put into vector format. Stay creative!!!
Been a while since i have posted to the notes page. Been busy. Ok, this one is just a fun project I cam up with. Call is Googlebot. It is an AI system that would be implemented by Google. A search engine that is a part of your life, like a family member. We will see if they might be interested....wishful thinking. But you know what, just keep on thinking and creating.
For David Bowie
West Fraser
I was out running the other day and spotted this beauty. This is the West Fraser Timber logo. I have to say this tops out as one of my all time favorites. So good. This thing is impressive, simple, but powerful. This gets me fired up! Side note, not my design, just giving respect to those out there that inspire. Ok, time to get back at it! Keep pushing those pixels and keep making. Cheers~
Batgirl Prints
I had an idea the other day to design up a simple print of Batgirl using a ton of negative space. The more I developed the piece it turns out that I wanted to do a full set. So I took it further into development an used the color schemes of Batman over the years. Plus I wanted to through in a variant and thought the Joker's color scheme would be perfect. So the wall mock up above is what I ended up putting together. Plus I love a good Giclee print, the texture and color is just awesome. I am having a set printed up, and will work on framing it. Can't wait to see how this turns out.
Destination Maps
Here is another fun personal project I started. I have always loved the advertising on maps, especially older maps. So I wanted to start a series of map ads featuring key destination spots in the US. Here are the first ones I developed. I will see how many more I develop, but this has been a fun one. Now I just need to discover more about all the tourist destinations that we have to offer here. So journey out and explore all the great parks and destinations this country has to offer. Cheers!
A Little Fishy
Had a little bit of inspiration the other day and decided to act on it. I just started to think about doing a series of vectors and needed to find something that had different types of species. I did a little research and fish is what I found would be the best to vector. I dug into it a little more and found that some types came in threes. So I started it with the Trout family. I have always liked the colors of these guys. So I posted it on Instagram and get some awesome love for it. So I continued on and developed more fish. Have to go check them out on my feed. Enjoy and go fishing!
Here is one from the sketchbook. I had this one drawn out for a while and decided to vector it out. Good old seafood, got to love it. This little guy turned out better then what I thought it would. Will see where I take it, but until then, enjoy.
Lure Stamps
Had this idea the other night about coming up with a series of stamps. I started thinking of something that would be colorful, but each one unique. Then it hit me, fishing lure's. Always have loved the look of those little guys. Have spotted some classic ones when I have been junking but man those boxes they came in back in the Know that twas some cool stuff. So I sat down and started sketching out some ideas, and landed on the three you see about. A little mix of new and old. Might have to mock up some more with the stamps being used. Hope you dig them. More to come. Check you later!
Let's Ride
Have always loved the motorcycle and have always wanted to own one. I guess it is one of the those dreams that might not come true, but still love to think about it. It is a blast to hit the open road and see the sights on a bike. A whole different experience then in a car. Been to the Blackhills for the Sturgis rally a few years and wow what an expierence. So the next this I can do is draw one up and come up with my own brand. Part of my vector series. Enjoy.
Mountain Air
One of the many dream projects for me would be to design a wrap for an airplane. That would just be epic cool. So what I did was come up with my own airlines and mock-up my own plane wrap. This was fun to come up with and put together. I was thinking that a cargo airliner that hauls for mountain towns. SO I called it Mountain Air. And what you see above is what I came up with. I might do a little more with this one, so stay tuned. Keep those ideas flying high! Cheers!
Racket Club
From my vector round series. Keep working and stay passionate! Enjoy.
Orange Truck
From my vector round series. Keep working and stay passionate! Enjoy.
From my vector round series. Keep working and stay passionate! Enjoy.
Star Wars - The Force Awakens
I was so fired up the other day when I saw the new trailer for Star Wars - The Force Awakens, I just had to start sketching something out. I would love to do more posters, but it is few and far between when I just randomly do one. So this one came to me fast and knocked it out the other day. It was something where I just took the basic elements of the trailer and incorporated them in a poster. Not to much detail, but wanted to show the dark, but also the return of some familiar characters and ships. Just for fun, but had had fun putting it together. Man, that ending was epic to see Han and Chewie...speechless. Cheers.
Safari Ted
Here is a project that is in development, Safari Ted. Just had the idea to put some graphics together for an outdoor adventure clothing line and thought about the traveling Roosevelt. So I went to the Field Notes and did some sketching and came up with a negative space portrait of the man. But really wanted the glasses to stand out and made them reflect. We will see how much further I will take this one, but I like how it turned out. Later.
Been a while since i posted to the notes page. Just wanted to show a couple of the Vector Rounds I have up on the site and on Instagram. Here is a classic, but a goodie, the old Winnebago. I was watching the Winnebago Man on Netflix the other night and got inspire to put some lines and shapes together. I like how it turnout. Always wanted to get one of these and go cross county. Outdoor adventures await. Someday. Enjoy!
Homemade Bakery
Been a while since I have posted on the notes page, just been busy around these parts. Been working up some vectors though, pushing those pixels, good stuff!! Here is one of my favorites I put together today. Started out as a sketch and then turned into something worthy. How those trees turned into loafs of bread, I will never know, but I love how it turned out. Now I just need to work it some more and develop this bad boy. Maybe a nice Italian country side bakery startup! Back to work. Cheers!