I have always liked The Iron Giant, one of my all time favorites. Love the animation style and colors and the overall story. It has always been one of those that I wanted to do a poster for it as well. So I finally sat down and focused and put one together. Wanted to include those awesome fall color trees. So here it is. Just for fun, but also one to check off my list. I know it won't go anywhere, but it is an accomplishment to me and the chance to create something. Keep on thinking of different ways of seeing something, it is always an opportunity to showcase your work. --Enjoy!
Fresh Pow Prints
I have had this one in the back of my mind for a couple of days and finally got it out on the Photoshop. Wanted to develop a couple of prints with a snow theme to it. I wanted to keep it simple and clean. So I sketched it out, vectored it and then went into Photoshop and mocked it up. I will play it by ear if I turn these into actual prints. We will see. But until then, enjoy and find that fresh pow!
The Batman
The darkness awaits.
I was developing some vectors in my Field Notes and I started running a shape around, back and fourth, and well let's just say that what I started developing was a Batman symbol. Yes, I know it is a little different then the others, but you know what, I was like let's give it a go. This was more of a one line, minimal, bat symbol. I sketched it out and put it on the chest of the Dark Knight himself and what you see above followed. I added the drop lights to really give this piece some depth and really show off the symbol. Hopefully you dig it. But Like I said this is all for fun and maybe see what might come of it, BUT at the end of this, don't question your creativity, go ahead and put it out there. Create!
Get Out!
I had a quick idea about making a campaign about getting out and going to the outdoors. So I came up with the above. GET OUT! But I got to thinking about the exclamation point and what I could do with that. Then it hit me, a tree. It was one of those things that hit me during the creative moment. But I love that kind of stuff. So I will see what more I do with it, but enjoy and stay tuned and I might put some t-shirts out there. Now GET OUT! Explore what this world has to offer, and have some adventures!!! Later.
I was watching the announcement of the mission to get to Mars today, and was, WOW, that is so cool. Have seen a lot of movies about it, but just never thought it would be something that we would ever consider for a manned mission. I know it will take a while to get there, but I think that is awesome that they are starting the program. So cool. So I was quick to think of a mission patch. I know it won't go anywhere, but just wanted to have some fun and keep those creative juices flowing. So enjoy and we will see what more I can develop with this thing. Later.
The Goods
It has been a while since I have posted to the notes page. My bad. Hopefully I will be getting back to this on a regular basis. But in the mean time I have created a couple new pages and added a LOT of new work. Check it out and as always, thanks for stopping by.
Eagle Stamp
It's been a long time since I've updated the blog, my apologizes. Just have been busy around here. One thing after another, but it's a good thing. Hope you all are having a good one and pushing those pixels. Here is one that I really enjoyed working on, the Eagle Stamp. I think it would be so AWESOME to design a stamp, probably never happen, but hey make your own! Heck yeah! Hope you dig it. Well time to get back at it! Stay strong out there! Later!
Out There
To outer space we go. I have had this one in the Field Notes for a while. Wanted to finally put it in vectors. Trying to use as much of the negative space as I can, get it? Tried to pull in some classic colors as well. A little retro vibes. Well back to work. Happy space travels!
Double Jacks
I have been seeing a lot of card deck designs out on the inter webs lately and it got me thinking. So I started sketching out some ideas. I wanted to do a deck series and wanted to keep the art simple, using thick lines. So I got stuck on using the Jack card. I don't know why, but it just seemed to have the best features to transfer into simple lines. So I transferred this bad boy to the computer and applied it to some decks. I call it Double Jacks. Did a few different color options as well. We will see where it goes, but I think I could roll the dice on this one. Sorry bad card jokes, or a poor attempt at one. Ok, back to work. Later days!
Lincoln's Duel
I was watching a doc on Abraham Lincoln the other night and I found out that he was in a sword duel with a guy in 1842. I did not know that. It didn't amount to anything, for once the guy saw Lincoln's stature and then Lincoln chopping a lim off a tree in front of him, sent the guy packing. SO what I got to thinking was, man, would't that make a great beer label/craft brew name. Lincoln's Duel. So I put together what you see above. I used Lincoln's signature hat, with cross blades that were used in the duel, so the story was told. I'm going to make up some labels and slap them onto a bottle, and who knows, might even talk to a home brew guy I know to cook me up a batch. We will see. Enjoy.
Auction Find
It is few and far between when a hood ornament stops me dead in my tracks. Holy cow, once I saw this, I was like WOW. The condition was just amazing. Both sides were in great condition, and the hood was such a bright red. I would have bought the truck just for that alone. Plus my dad is a huge International fan, so this one is for him! Keep yer eyes open at all times, treasures are out there. Keep looking.
I hit the road a couple weeks ago to see my bro down in Arizona. It was an awesome road trip. Good times and great sites. Man the colors and the changing landscapes are why I love hitting the road. When the sun starts rising you get such great colors. Plus all the small towns that you roll through have so much character. Like this Cafe I found. Hand painted letters, so good, I could not pass by and not take a photo. Hit the road and discover America.
Been a little quite around the studio here of late. Just nothing really coming in project wise. Been able to catch up on some personal projects that I have been meaning to get to, and take a little breather. I am always open to accepting new work, but none the less, I'm still strong here in the Midwest and pushing forward. Stay inspired and keep making. Later days!
Square Lines
New year, new things. I wanted to shift focus on my Instagram posting of vectors and have a different category of sketches. Thus Square Lines was born. I will see how many of these I will post, but I wanted to have a consistent theme with all of the vectors i posted. Here is the New Year! Later.
Gentle Giant
Been working on a personal project that I have been meaning to get to for a while. So good old childhood memories. This one involves motion pictures. So I thought I would develop a picture studio to have at the beginning of the trailer I am making. Introducing Gentle Giant Pictures. We will see how this goes, but I am really stoked about working on this one. Cheers!
Happy Holidays
Y'all have safe travels and good times with friends and family! Cheers!
Mountain Valley
I went a little different direction on my Field Note Sketch to Vectors here of late. Wanted to explore more of a thin design series. I also wanted to add another element to the background instead of a solid color. I have always liked the blurred back drop. So here is Mountain Valley. Just something I cooked up the other day. Don't know where to take it, but it was one I thought turned out good once I put it down on the old digital machine. Enjoy.
Nelson Mandela -- Respect For Him
FAIR Travel
Started working on this one a while back, and I finally got around to putting the finishing touches to it. Always wanted to put together a railroad badge, so I just put the vectors together. This one had been in the Field Notes for a while. So we will see what else I can do with it, and develop some other materials to put this bad boy on. Ride the rails!
Mountain Crew
Busy pushing those pixels around here! Here is a little something I through together, from a crazy thought I had in my head. So I was thinking the other day about hard hats and got to thinking, you know what, why not design my own mark for a hard hat. So I ordered one up from Uline and I am in the process of getting these printed up in sticker form. The lines came together and decided to go the route of Mountain Crew. Dig these colors man! I will post a photo of the final product once completed. Possibly might roll this into a patch, we will see. Later!