I went one step further with the brand development of Node Surfboards and put together an ad for the company. I came up with a headline Challenge the Day. I thought this fit really well with the overall message that this brand would speak. I found this great stock photo that sparked my whole interest in developing the surfboard brand. Once I found the photo then the development began. It's all about the steps and taking it one at a time. I even did a little photoshop work to put the logo on the board fin. Enjoy.
Node Surfboards
I had a crazy hair the other day, and wanted to design and create a surfboard logo and brand identity. So I sat down with the sketch books and doodled out some ideas. I then threw them on the computer and started to develop this thing. I wanted to make the name simple and one word. So I researched waves and the word that stuck was Node. Looking at the definition of Node is what really inspired the logo. The result is what you see above. I am not sure where this will go, but I wanted to create and have fun with another project. This is fun.
Chief Decks
Here is another contest submit I did for those guys out in Denver -- Board Pusher. This month the theme was Native Roots! So I thought I could use my Chief vector for this one. So I tossed in some southwest flavor and boom, did a series of three. Keep those fingers crossed and we will see what happens. It's all about making and creating, not about the prize.
Rally Time
I have been really cranking out the vectors here lately, but have not got to the website posting here of late, my bad. Hopefully I can get this back up to speed. Enjoy this helmet vector, in the meantime, that I threw together. Dig those colors. This one has been sitting in the Field Notes for a while. Keep on pushin' those pixels!
I have been workin' up a a few different sketches here lately from the field notes and really like how this one turned out. That beast of a mountain, I wanted to capture the colors of the sunset that just emanates off the top of that peak, but also wanted to keep it simple, and powerful. Thinking of making this into a patch, or something. But also might make a series out of it. We will see. Keep making!
Thanks to my pal Nicholas Burroughs up in Omaha, I am on Dribbble! I can't begin to say thanks to Nick for giving me a chance and letting post some shots, and calling me off the bench. This was one of those long time dreams of getting on the Dribbble team, and just trying my best to showcase my work, to try to impress someone to give me an invite. But you know what, if you keep on trying, making, creating and just have a true passion of getting somewhere, there are people out there that will help you out. Nick, you da man, and a HUGE THANKS!! Forever grateful. Here is my Dribbble account, go check it out.
Good Find
Was out at the annual Camp Creek swap meet with my dad and I was walking along side some garden tractors when I spotted this beauty. So good! Had to snap a photo. Always keep looking and you'll never know what you might find, in the strangest of places. Nice little treasure.
Photo of the Day
Husker for life! I am making it a goal to make it down to all the home games for the Husker football season. So far I have lucked out and got a ticket for each game. What I am trying to do also is get a Panoramic photo from each seat that I sit in at the stadium. Here is my favorite one so far. Such a great night for football. Memorial Stadium is such an amazing place to be on game night. Enjoy and GO SKERS!
Late Shift
Been working round the clock around here. Burning up the midnight oil catching up on projects. Posted some new stuff in the Work section of the site. Go check it out. Now back at it!
Flying High
Here is one from the sketch book that I wanted to vector up for a long time. Aviation I call this one. Not for sure what I am going to do with it, might throw it into a patch, or a sticker maybe. Who knows. But you know what it's just the fun of making that gets me going! Creating and pushing myself to put these ideas on the computer, from my sketches in the old Field Notes. Keep at it!
I wanted to design a patch that represented the Midwest and had those awesome harvest colors we get every year but yet also had elements that showed the landscape of the midwest. So I sat down with the old Field Notes and did up some quick sketches. I thought about those big silos that I would drive by out west and down around the places that my mom and dad grew up. The grain elevators were always busy around harvest time and with the overflow, it was cool to see the ground covered with that gold corn. So I mocked up this bad boy and sent it to American Patch. I am really looking forward to getting these in my hands.
Prospect Willy
This is one of those quick sketches that turned into a cool looking vector. I still think that it is always good advice to have a sketchbook near by to get some of those ideas down on paper, and then transfer to the computer. Also it gives you a break from burning your eyes staring at the monitor. We will see where this one goes. Low tech! Keep on sketching.
I can't thank everyone enough for the support for the Pixel Workers Patches that I have sent out! This is awesome! I just wanted to post a photo of the photos that you all have sent my way! This just makes my day, to see the support and the community that is out there. Keep the photos coming and how you apply them to hats, coats, denim jackets, whatever! Keep this thing rolling, tell yer friends and I can get them a patch as well. Keep pushing those pixels! SUPPORT!
Have been sitting on this one for a little while now. You know when you have one of those sketches that you repeat over and over again and finally one day you are like, alright, lets do this...well this is that one for me. I can't tell you how many times and how many different variations of this I have drawn out in my Field Notes. So tonight I wanted to sit down and put this one to rest and vectorize this bad boy. Don't know what I will use it for, maybe a deck or board base design, something. I'll figure it out, just can't let this one go. Enjoy.
I am really just finding that the Board Pusher's contest has been a good outlet to come up with cool ideas and have somewhat of a creative brief put in front of me. Even though this is a contest, it still gives me an opportunity to flex the creative mind to think as if this was my client and I was designing a board for them. This one is called Bear! Went with the natural board background, to give it some nice texture. Outdoorsy. Keeping those fingers crossed as I hit submit. Later.
A new mark I am developing for the board line. This one is called Interference. Working hard on this Sunday afternoon, keeping busy here in the studio. Never a dull moment.
Here a little find from when I was out and about at an auction. Always on the look out for little treasures in all sorts of places, never know what you'll find.
Eames Tech
Found out that I took a second place with my entry into the Eames Chair Create Now Contest. I was blown away to see the email. That just goes to show me, that if you create, good things can happen, but also the main thing here is create! Not for the prize, but for the drive. I just wanted to create something and having that drive, helped me put something out there and looked what happened. I am pumped about this. Thanks to everyone that viewed my entry, for views helped out the voting/qualifying process. That's community at it's finest! Thanks! GO CREATE!
Line of the Day
Haven't thrown a Line of the Day up for a while, so I thought I would crank one out. Here is one from the Field Notes archives. Went through a few of the old Notes and opened up to a sketch of a caliper. Industrial sketch, thick lines, simple. Enjoy!
Meadowlark Music Festival
Going down the remember when path for a little bit. Here is a poster that I designed for a music festival that is held here in Lincoln and has everything to do with the arts. Always a good time and really puts the spotlight on the arts in the community. The Medowlark is the state bird of Nebraska, so I wanted to included that little guy in the poster along with incorporating music some how. So here is what I came up with. A little throw back Thursday for y'all. Still working hard here in the studio, cranking out work! Stay strong and keep making!