I wanted to develop an outdoor gear brand. This was something that I wanted to do for a little while now. This is just a dream project, but I don't think anything will come of it, but hey, it keeps me fresh. I will post more on my Behance account. I am really excited about this one.
Jerz by Brie
Proud to put this one up on the site. This is a logo I did for a great girl out in Jersey that is very talented in making custom neckgators. I wanted to help her out and give her some identity work that could make her launch her line of gear. More things to come out, stay tuned. Keep up the great work Brie!
Weather Lines
Was looking through some old transparencies that have been used to screen shirts. Found this little guy that was used on the back of a t-shirt I designed for a friend of mine. All weather.
It's always good to get out and do some looking for things, don't know when you will find little hidden treasures. Here was a neat plate that I found at the state auction a while back.
Line of the Day
Today's line of the day. Orbit lines.
I sketch out a ton of ideas in in my Field Notes books. Sometimes I want to vectorize them, and bring them to life on the old computer. Here is one of those that I wanted to work out. This was also a chance to do some custom type.
Thick Lines
I wanted to vector this bad boy that I found on a matchbook a while back. Simple clean and awesome.
New Stowaways
I dropped in some new items in the store. Go check them out and set your self up with a print or a t-shirt. NEW Nebraska talk posters that I printed up for awesome speakers I had invited to speak here. Good stuff, check it out. Stowaway Store>>
Rocky Mountains
Plans are a go to head to Colorado in February! I am totally stoked about this. It has been a while since i have hit the slopes, so I am going to enjoy every minute of this trip. I will be keeping you posted. Let's do this!
RIDE TODAY! Wanted to post this guy in preparations for my boarding trip coming up at the end of February. Looking forward to hitting the slopes and shredding it up. Colorado here I come!!
Just working hard here in the old HQ. Been getting to projects that I have wanting to do for some time now. Back at it! Later!
Ag Logo
Found this little gem on another memo book, a Vigortone memo book. Had to pick it up. Simple, clean and very boss.
Good Finds
Was out and about, found these two awesome memo books. Always looking and searching. Good Stuff.
Grind Your Axe
Happy New Year everyone! Let's start this thing off right with a little motivation. Grind your AXE and start chopping!!! This will be my driving force to get to work this year. This was a piece I did for the Resolve Project by Chris Streger. Go check this project out - so many great artist's and ideas. Let's do this and make this a great 2013!
Line of the Day
Firing this back up with a little number from my sketchbook. Thinking this one is like Captain Hook's, Hook, as a plug-in. Enjoy
Down, BUT Not Out
It has been a while since i have got this page updated. Been in the swamp of work and burning the candle at both ends. I am going to make more effort on my part to get back on this and update more often. Until then, stay with me, and I will get more stuff up and going. Enjoy this postcard I found junkin' with Dan of YoungJerks when he was here for the Nebraska Talk....So Good!
The Good Life
Here is a design that I put together for a t-shirt that I will be bringing along with me to WMC Fest in Ohio. Thought I would bring some Nebraska Love to the good people in Ohio and hand out a few of them. Cool thing about it is that the windmill, that I used, is the windmill that me and my dad restored. I hope everyone likes them.
Maurice Sendak
To you Maurice Sendak -- "Let the wild rumpus begin" -- A true inspiration and talent gone at 83. I went ahead and showed my respect with the above illustration.
Number 3
Having some fun with halftones. Thought I would pick on the number 3. Did a little offset as well. Just staying fresh and hungry and having fun.