It's that time again, Line of the day. This one was just out of a sketch that I had did a while back. Enjoy.
That Old Windmill
I love taking photos of windmills. So many of them around here, but mostly the older ones are the ones that peak my interest. This photo is of the one that me and my dad restored and nursed back to health. This was a fun project, I even got to paint the letters back on the tail. Too cool!
Brass Monkey
For Adam Yauch -- August 5, 1964 - May 4, 2012 -- MCA FOREVER!
In the wild
Found this awesome logo while searching some bike sites. Brake pads! Pretty sweet!
May Day
Happy May to everyone. A new month and a new set of things to come. Year is rolling along! Let's do this!
Solid State
Found an old Solid State Nobility radio that my parents had. Thought I would do an illustration of it. This little guy is so cool. The simple design and colors are great. Enjoy.
The Trooper II
I was going through some old family photos the other day I came across the photos of the old Isuzu Trooper 2 that my parents had. The first one in Lincoln. This SUV saw a lot of miles, but it was a good one. I put this graphic together of the color scheme and logo on the side of the Trooper, really dig those colors. Earth tones - good stuff.
Courteous Service
Here is a another good find from my Matchbook collection. I also saw this little logo show up on Draplin's South Carolina poster. Pretty cool! Working ahead of the curve, getting things done this weekend! Stay good, stay hungry.
Toolbox Logo
Working on a logo for a friend of mine. Putting some ideas on paper and then digitize these bad boys. We will see where this one ends up. Feeling good about this one.
Getting some things put together for the old Moose Snowboards website. I put this little one liner together for a home page graphic and threw it on my iPad to check it out. Working on some color combos as well for the site. I like these colors together for some reason. Digging it! Site still under construction, but hopefully have something, just takes time. Patience.
International Harvester
So damn good! I love that logo man! I have been growing up on that bad boy for a long time. My dad is a huge International Harvester guy, old school. This thing leaves me speechless each time I see it. TOO GOOD!
Father of Futura
Here to the man, the father of Futura, Mr. Paul Renner. Such a great font and happy to have it as a part of the whole design arsenal. This typeface it one of my favorites. Really a diverse typeface and so easy to use. You see it a lot and is a favorite to a ton of people, even that Draplin fellow. Love it! Here is to you Paul!
Line of the day
Busy at it, working my tail off. One thing after another. Just another day the office, I guess. Good things to come. Here is the line of the day. Enjoy.
Golf Invite
Going into the old archives again. Here is an illustration I did for a golf outing invite I did. I was really happy how this one turned out and so were the people i was working with on this one. It was just a round of 9 holes at the course, so hence the number 9 on the flag. I enjoy this kind of stuff. Always fun!
Look, but look inside
Found this great book at the Antique store I visited the other day. So awesome. This was such a good find. Well when I opened the book and flipped through the pages, I got to the end and what did I find, an awesome little group of graphics that just was so damn good. This made my day for sure. Always looking, but look inside, see what you can find. Always explore.
Great minds
Here is a graphic I did for a conference a while back. Had to put this one together in a hurry, and man did I find it to be a fun project. This is one of my favorites.The group I was working with really enjoyed the graphic and used it on multiple pieces for the event. Fun!
Young Jerk
Here is a fun graphic I did for that Young Jerk Dan Cassaro. I saw a tweet that it was his birthday, and turned out this little graphic for him, illustrating his pull behind that he found a while back. I thought I would dress it up a bit with the TTMS lighting bolt and put a sweet tail fin on the top and really make this thing look fast. I tweeted this bad boy to him and he seemed to enjoy it! Can't wait to meet him at WMC Fest in June! I hope!
Drink Double Cola
This is a good one. Love this sign and it has been in the family for quite some time. This thing is huge, takes up the front half of a shed. Must have been what sparked my love for design seeing it time and time again. Good stuff!
The Archives
I was going through some of the old files around here and stumbled across this little design I did a while back for the club that I am apart of. We have an annual event called Taste of the Vine. Needed a graphic for a flyer and I thought to myself, boy the tops of those wine barrels sure could look like grapes if viewed from the top....ding...ding, we have a winner. What you see is what I finished out with, with a touch of the vine leaves to finish the effect. This was a fun one, I thought I would share.
Line of the day
Today's line of the day goes to the good old Kraft Tube! Plus it was inspired by mailing some stuff out to friends. This guy helps getting the stowaways out and much more. Always a good call for shipping stuff.